b"MAYOR JUDY PAULThe Memorial Day ceremony returns,a prayer vigil for unity & moreCondolencestothements that include your Florida Address and are not more family,friends,andthan two months old, mail from a federal, state, county, or communitysaddenedbymunicipal government agency that includes your Florida ad-thepassingofCongress- dress and is not more than two months old). Should you have man Alcee Hastings. He al- any questions, please contact 954.797.1000. ways served us well and broughtSports programs are back in action.Iwasthrilledto strength to all through his convictionmeet some of the baseball teams on opening day and throw a to the many causes he championed and his powerful oratoryfew first pitches. Soccer has also been taking registrations and that moved mountains. God speed, Congressman. will soon be in full swing. The pickleball and tennis courts at The Town of Davie and the Boy Scouts of America areBamford Sports Complex are also up and running.It was working to bring our Memorial Day Ceremony back for thegreat to see people in the park enjoying the weather and play-public. Some changes are being made regarding the paradeing their favorite sports. and arena delivery to comply with the present Covid emer- I attended a prayer vigil on March 20th in Falcon Leas gency orders, but this is a great sign.On May 31st we willPark at Gandhi Square. Thenumberinattendancewasa honor all those who gave their lives for our freedom. The pa- great testimony to our love for our Asian American brothers rade kicks off at Fire Station 38 on Orange Drive and ends atand sisters. Those gathered at Gandhi Square in Davie came the Davie Arena at Bergeron Rodeo Grounds. God bless allto support the Asian American community with a prayer vigil of our veterans and those who we have lost. in memory of those killed in Atlanta, calling for unity and The Town of Davie has been operating a vaccination siteasking all Americans to stand together against hatred and for Florida residents who are 18 years and older, or 16-17bigotry. Many elected officials from the federal, state, county, years old with parent/guardian present with a government- and local levels sent strong messages to the crowd. I was a lit-issued ID. Vaccinations take place at the Davie Pine Islandtle concerned about the number of people, but all wore masks. ParkMultipurposeCenter,locatedat3801S.PineIslandSeveral TV stations were there and I watched the excellent Road,Davie.Asincreasingnumbersofdosesarecomingcoverage on Channel 10. It was a moving experience for all. available, the Town will continue to vaccinate. An appoint- Condolences to the families, and God speed to all impacted ment is required to receive the vaccination. Walk-ins are notby this senseless act of terror. Thank you to the combined allowed. To schedule your appointment, please visit the Townefforts of all the Asian American and Eastern Indian orga-website at www.davie-fl.gov.nizations for collaborating on this vigil. Thanks also to the VaccinationRequirements:MustbeaFloridaresidenttwo police officers who were there; it gave assurances of safety with a valid government picture ID (please bring with youand wellbeing.to your appointment); must be at least 18 years old, or 16-17Thank you to all the residents and business owners who with a parent/guardian present. Please bring a birth certifi- contact me with concerns and issues that impact our com-cate, a document of guardianship, passport, driver's license, ormunity. I depend on you to be my eyes and ears and welcome learner's permit as identification for minors; must completeall comments. In turn, I direct problems to appropriate depart-a Vaccine Screening Consent Form and bring it with you onments and see that solutions are implemented.Many times, the day of your appointment; must bring appointment con- since multiple jurisdictions are involved, such as FDOT or firmation on the day of your appointment; masks and socialthe County, it may take a little longer to see results, but we are distancing will be enforced at the vaccination location; andalways working for you. Many times, I get a call and the com-alternative forms of proof of Florida residency will be ac- ment is, I know how busy you are and didnt want to bother cepted for adult seasonal residents who do not have a Floridayou. Please know that I am never too busy to help you. After government picture ID (a deed, mortgage, monthly mortgageall, thats my job. You elected me to represent you, so do not statement, mortgage payment booklet, or residential rentalfeel shy about contacting me at jpaul@davie-fl.gov.or lease agreement, a utility connection or work order datedStay safe, get vaccinated, and keep wearing your mask!within 60 days of the appointment date which includes your Florida address, a utility bill not more than two months old including your Florida address, mail from a financial institu-tion including checking, savings, or investment account state- BY DAVIE MAYOR JUDY PAUL18 #385MAY 2021BE SAFE, BE SMART, BE WELL DRWMAG.COM"