b'FROM THE LEFTCONTINUED FROM PAGE 10and other Minneapolis police testified against Chauvin, stating that he wasSHOPPING FOR CAR INSURANCE? CALL ME FIRST.wrong in putting his knee into George Floyd\'s neck for over nine minutes, inAVERAGE 3 *violation of police procedures, and that is what killed George Floyd. PeopleANNUAL $ 35of all races, nations, religions, ages, genders, and orientations are supportedSAVINGS: $ 566by this administration. As a civil rights attorney, I am grateful for governmentDRIVERS WHO SWITCHED FROM:support. Geico saved $ 305* on average with AllstateThe immigration problem is getting worse on a daily basis. Tens of thou- Progressivesaved $ 478* on average with Allstatesands of children are crossing South America, walking the length of Mexico toState Farmsaved $ 318* on average with Allstatecome to America. alone. It is heartbreaking to see these tiny boys and girls, some barely school age, swimming across the Rio Grande and being thrown over the wall, landing with a thud, alone in America. Sites for these childrenPut your policy to the test.are being erected so that they have a place to sleep, food, and education. TheDrivers who switched to Allstate saved an average of $356* search for relatives in America is ongoing.a year. So when you\'re shopping for car insurance, call me Gun control is being dealt with. Concerned that the legislature will notrst. You could be surprised by how much you\'ll save.pass anything limiting guns on the street, Joe is signing Executive Orders to:Patrick MottaFight ghost gun kits that can be bought online with no limitations and no reg- 954-370-1500istry; prevent hand gun transformation through plastic braces into rifles; more7320 Grifn Road, Ste. 100background checks; and fewer exceptions on gun purchases. Joe is workingDavie, FL 33314hard for bicameral support. He deserves an "A".patrick.motta@allstate.comRandy A. Fleischer, Esq. is a civil rights and labor attor-ney, Parliamentarian of the Broward County Democrat Ex-ecutive Committee, and Past-President of the Davie Dem Club. Contact him at randy@rafesq.com. *Savings based on national customer reported data for new policies written in 2016. Actual savings vary. 11991968Discounts subject to terms, conditions and availability. Allstate Fire & Casualty Ins. Co., Allstate Vehicle & Property Ins. Co., Allstate Property & Casualty Ins. Co. & afliates: 2775 Sanders Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062. FROM THE RIGHTCONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 2018 Allstate Insurance Co.insist that any sanctions relief is contingent on unlimited access of interna- WWW.DRWMAG.COMTO ADVER TISE CALL 954.384.9666 What your yard is missing.tional observers to all of their nuclear sites. To help end the civil war inYemen, the president has frozen shipment of of-fensive arms to Saudi Arabia and ordered a review of weapons sales to the Unit-ed Arab Emirates. Separately he ordered a February bombing of Iranian-backed Shiite militia sites launching missiles against Americans in Iraq. But he has yet to effectively address Russian troops massing on the border of Ukraine and ongoing Chinese efforts to build military bases on atolls and reefs in the South China Sea. MENTION DRWOn our southern border, March was the busiest month in two decadesAND RECEIVEwith 172,331 migrants taken into custody including 18,890 teens and unac- 10% OFF WE PROUDLY OFFER Acompanied children. Theyre being held in overcrowded Trump-era cages which the news media now call pods in deference to a Democrat president.ANY SERVICE MILITARYANDFIRSTOR CONTRACT RESPONDER DISCOUNTThis crisis on the border is self-inflected, as in its rush to overturn Trump-eraExp. 05.31.21. Cannot restrictions, the Biden administration failed to anticipate the surge this wouldbe combined. COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIALunleash. Still, it presents an opportunity to fix our dysfunctional immigrationSERVICES Minor Irrigation system by pairing increased tolerance of legal immigration with toughness onLawn Disease Care Repairsthe illegal sort. And if he is willing to overrule organized labors objectionsWeed Control Shrub Installationto liberalizing our work visa regulations, he can implement reasonable im- Edging Debris Haulingmigration policies that allow properly-vetted workers to labor in our fields,Hedge Trimming Landscapingfactories, and laboratories. Yard Clean-Up Pressure CleaningWithout question, the Biden Administration is off to a flying start. But isSod Installation Projects CALL TODAY FORMulch Installation Tree Removal A FREE ESTIMATEit headed in the right direction? Rock Installation AND MOREPaulViscovichisaretiredU.S.NavyCommander.754-422-0614TJCLANDSCAPESANDMORE.NETTocontacthimdirectly,pleasesendane-mailto alfadelta28@bellsouth.net. tjclandscapesandmore TJC landscapes and moreTO ADVERTISE CALL 954.384.9666 DRW MAGAZINE 27'