b"REP. BARTLEMANBills introduced to aid with flooding, housing & moreOn March 1st, I packed myprograms to address disparities in our health care system by collecting bags and traveled to Tallahas- data based on disability, race, age, ethnicity, sex, and primary language. seeforthe2021LegislativeMedicaid programs will publicize this information on its website so Flo-session.Ifiledmultiplebillsridians can select the health plan which best fits their needs. House Bill to address issues that exist in our899 will bring greater transparency and ensures that our states health State and local community: care dollars are spent efficiently, making Floridas Medicaid Program stronger and Medicaid recipients healthier.As a former classroom teacher and assistant principal, I know from ex-perience that its time to take a pause from the pressure and penaltiesFloridians voted in November to join a growing number of States to of high-stakes testing. There was nothing typical about this school year;incrementally increase the minimum wage to $15. While this implies teachers and students lost family members, faced housing and food in- numerous benefits, it will make many families ineligible for Kidcare. security, were quarantined, and many students are dealing with men- This will push families to rely more heavily on other social programs. A tal health issues. House Bill 359 removes State penalties and holdsfamily should never have to choose between accepting a raise and ensur-schools, teachers, and students harmless. It is supported by the Floridaing their children receive health care. Currently, families may access Kid PTA, the Florida School Board Association, and the Florida EducationCare if their income is within 200% above the poverty level. House Association. Bill 201 expands the eligibility for Kidcare by raising the threshold to 300%. This change will allow participants to buy into additional pre-Tropical Storm Eta flooded our district and inundated our water man- mium tiers.agement infrastructure, trapping many of us in our homes. This event made flood mitigation one of my top priorities. House Bill 901 re- While designing HB 201, I found that numerous barriers exist and pre-quires the State to perform a statewide assessment of future expendi- vent families from accessing KidCare, and there are hurdles that lead to tures by federal, state, and local governments to address both inland anda discontinuation of coverage. Florida's child uninsured rate has dramati-coastal flooding and will ensure fiscally responsible decisions are made.cally increased; from 2016-2019, 55,000 more children lost coverage. This bill was enrolled into the Always Ready- Flooding and Sea Level RiseHouse Bill 1421 will decrease the delay time for families who have lost Mitigation Package.their health insurance and will remove additional barriers. Representative Persons- Mulicka (R) of Fort Myers and I introducedBroward County has an affordable housing crisis, one of the worst in House Bill 1229 to protect child victims of sexual assault. This billthe country. Browards median home price is $416,000, pricing many was voted for unanimously in committee last month. It ensures that if aresidents out of the market and into rentals. Only 13% of residents court determines that an adult has sexually abused a minor or enacts ancan afford to purchase a new home. Since 1992, the SHIP Program has order to keep the adult away from the child, individuals such as schoolprovided housing assistance for vulnerable populations, splitting fund-administrators or summer camp employers can search for the identitying between single-family and multifamily affordable housing programs. of the offender. This closes a loophole in the law to prevent the abuse ofHouse Bill 567 will allow counties the discretion to distribute a greater children.portion of these funds to build affordable multifamily rental units at this time. Residents deserve a roof over their heads at a price they can afford. Once a sexual assault victim finds his or her strength to report the crime, it is imperative that the State does its part to protect the victim.In addition to the bills I have introduced, I have cosponsored numer-House Bill 767 protects the anonymity of victims of sexual violenceous bills including ones to fix the broken unemployment system, im-by requiring anyone who seeks to disclose the identity of the victimprove VPK education, provide mental healthcare to veterans, require to first obtain their explicit written consent. Victims should NOT begun safety measures, and repeal preemption of local laws on the sale of re-traumatized and threatened with public exposure for reporting adisposable plastics. I am also working to prevent any changes to Floridas crime of this nature. This oversight has been weaponized by individualsBright Futures Scholarship Program. Once this Session closes, I will be to dissuade victims from seeking justice for fear of personal backlashsetting aside time to meet with you and develop bill ideas for next Ses-and retaliation. If passed, this legislation will empower victims of sexualsion. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 954.668.3662 and robin.assault to come forward. bartleman@myfloridahouse.gov.The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed the disparities that exist within ourBY ROBIN BARTLEMANhealthcare system. In response, I introduced a bill that requires MedicaidFL STATE REPRESENTATIVE, DISTRICT 10426 #385MAY 2021BE SAFE, BE SMART, BE WELL DRWMAG.COM"