b'MARLA J. FERGUSON, ESQ.Helping you plan for the future,sort out the past, and deal with loss & injuryWhen a loved one passes away, most family members do not know where tobulldog for an attorney who gets things done for you yesterday, you want Marla start or what to do in terms of locating, organizing, and allocating posses- Ferguson. She is sharp, no nonsense, knowledgeable, and extremely capable. sions and belongings. Marla J. Federici Ferguson, Esq. is a highly experienced,She knows how to head off trouble with a smile. multi-discipline attorney who can help ensure that your legacy is both legallyMs. Federici Ferguson knows all too well the pain of dealing with loss. secure and adheres exactly to your wishes. If you find that a passed loved oneMy brother passed away unexpectedly, so I personally understand both the did not have their affairs in order, Ms. Ferguson can help you fight to ensure thatfinancial and emotional stress families go through when they lose a loved one, their assets are properly identified and dispersed.she said.I can relate when clients come into my office grieving. My goal is to work hard to relieve them of the burdens of Probate Administration by taking Home-Grown Experience on the tasks of locating, organizing, securing, and distributing the assets of their deceased loved one for them. I want my clients and their families to be able to A Florida native, Mrs. Federici Ferguson graduated from Cooper City Highgrieve in peace without any unnecessary additional stress.School and received her Bachelors Degree from University of Florida. AfterThe Stubblefield family has directly experienced the benefits of work-graduation Marla jumped right intoingwithMs.FedericiFerguson. working for a Fortune 100 compa- Dealing with Marla (Attorney Fer-ny out of their Orlando branch. Myguson) was a pleasure. She addressed career opened my eyes to the worldall of our concerns as well as educat-of law, and I went on to earn a lawing us in the process. She was com-degreefromSt. ThomasUniversi- pletelyfocusedonourneedsand ty. Her first passion was for crim- tailored her delivery to ensure we inal law, having worked as a Certi- were comfortable with the decisions fiedLegalInternfortheBrowardwehadmade. Wefeltincontrol CountyPublicDefendersOffice,yet guided throughout the process. and then for a private defense firmOur family is eternally grateful to after obtaining her law degree. Herhave her looking out for our legal own growing familyher husband,wellbeing.Chris and their three young childrenhelped her stay focused on her ul- Representing timate goal of starting her own firm.The InjuredMs.FedericiFergusondecidedto open her own practice that evolvedMs. Federici Fergusons multi-disci-and expanded to focus on probateplinary practice also handles person-and personal injury law.al injury cases throughout the state ofFlorida. Wearecommittedto Planning For The Future, providing exemplary representation for our clients and their families, she said. Sorting Out The Past If you are hurt and suffering due to someone elses negligence, our firm will work to ensure that you are fully compensated for your pain and suffering. We When a person passes away, Probate is the process by which the court distributesare here to guide our clients through the process.the decedents assets to the appropriate beneficiaries. Probate may be requiredMarla J. Ferguson Law, P.A. takes care of the often stressful task regardless of whether the decedent had a will in place. ofcallingtheinsurancecompanies,retrievingthepolicereports,locating Barbara and Ronald Knight live out of state, but had an ailing uncle inthe at-fault party, ensuring your medical bills are paid, and much more. Said Florida who had not yet planned his estate. A recommendation brought them toMs. Federici Ferguson, Our goal is to ensure that your rights are protected Marla J Ferguson, Esq. My husband and I lived in Georgia, but our uncle, whoand zealously advocated for. And as all Personal Injury in Florida is handled was in failing health, lived in Florida, said Ms. Knight. on a contingency fee basis, there are no fees or costs if there is no recovery.We called Marla and she took care of everything from meeting withThat means that you will never have to pay out of your own pocket for attor-our uncle to find out what his exact wishes were, to making sure his final af- neys fees or costs.fairs were all in place. Marla went as far as organizing our uncles personal and financial files, locating outstanding bills, tying up all loose ends personally andProspective clients may not obtain the same or similar re-financially, and doing it all while keeping our uncle informed and part of thesults. Marla J. Ferguson Law, P.A. is based in Davie, FL and process.handles probate law (wills and trusts), sealing and expunging The problems with their Uncles estate proved to be larger than thecriminal records, real estate, personal injury law, and more. Knights anticipated. My husband and I were blown away with the amount ofToll-free: 844.627.5252. Learn more at www.MarlaLaw.com.different problems, and even people that came out of the woodwork from all angles, said Ms. Knight. Thankfully, Ms. Ferguson was on their side. Marla took care of every single thing for us, continued Ms. Knight. If you want aDisclaimer: This is a paid advertisement.14 #399JULY 2022CELEBRATE SAFELY DRWMAG.COM'