b'Perhaps.The Only Way Left for Some People to Suffer Less.Dear friend, I stopped wetting the bed. Yeah,Heres what some of your neigh- rightawaybecauseweexpect somethingIthoughtwastotallybors had to say: tobefloodedwithcallsasthis Some people come in to see meunrelatedhealed. Andwithcon- exam normally costs $395. Again, and tell me they have tried every- tinued care, I noticed my ability toIwasacareermilitaryservicetheres only 20 of these slots, so thing. get my work done became muchmanwhoraneveryday.Thisdont miss out. (By law, this offer easier. Oh, did I mention that thispinched nerve took away a senseexcludes Medicare/Medicaid ben-Thats right, four out of five peo- doctorisachiropractor?Chiro- of freedom from my life that Thriveeficiaries.)ple who show up in my office havepracticworkedsowellforme,SpinalCarehasbroughtback.been somewhere else first. Someand I was so impressed with the J.M., Cooper City, FL Great care at a great fee. Please, have taken every test, wound upother miracles I saw in his officeI hope that theres no misunder-withhugemedicalbills,andarethat I eventually go to chiropracticstandingaboutqualityofcare stillnobetteroff.Often,theyveschool myself.And thats how itjust because I have a lower exam beensubjectedtomedicationshappened! fee. Im a Cum Laude graduate of that have only served to tempo- PalmerCollege,oneoftheonly rarily mask symptoms. Thats notButitdidnthelpmeforever.ItNUCCAdoctorsinSouthBro-what most people are looking for. wasnt until I discovered NUCCAward, and Ive been helping peo-chiropracticthatIexperiencedple across South Florida for nine Often, these people get frustratedcomplete resolution of my healthyearsnow.Ijusthavethatlow and wind up in my office. Its sad toproblems, even at such a youngexam fee to help people.see this over and over. Health, orage. NUCCA is one of the biggest the lack of it, very often has simplesecrets in health care. Of the wellOurofficeisbothfriendlyand causes and very reasonable cor- over 40,000 chiropractors that ex- warm and we try our best to make rections. Thats what Im going toist in the world, only 250 practiceyou feel at home. We have a won-tell you about. But, before I do, letNUCCA, a gentle adjustment thatSeveraltimesadaypatientsderfulservice,atanexceptional me tell you something about me. involves no twisting, or cracking.thankmeforhelpingthemwithfee.OurofficeiscalledThrive Canyoubelieveit?Everydaytheir health problems. But I cantSpinal Care and it is at5560 S. Ive been there. I know whats itsin my practice I think about, if onlyreally take the credit. The truth isFlamingoRoad,CooperCity like to be pushed from one doctormore people knew about the dif- that Ive never healed anyone of(we are inCountryside Shops).to the next. And all youre givenference NUCCA care can make inOurphonenumberis954-533-at the end of the winding road oftheir lives. It may be the only wayanything. What I do is perform1977. Call my assistants Gabriela medicalintervention,isalabelforsomepeopletodramticallyaspecificspinaladjustmentto& Claire today for an appointment. to how youre feeling and a pre- suffer less. For the last nine yearsremovenervepressure,andtheWe can help you. Thank you and scription. In my case it happenedpeople from Cooper City and thebodyrespondsbyhealingitself.God Bless.at an early age. I was not able tosurrounding areas have come toOf course, all people respond dif-focus or learn at the same pacemewithvariousconditionsandferently to care, but we get terrific Jason Granger, D.C.as my peers, so there must havechildhood problems, similar to myresults. Its as simple as that!been something wrong with me.own. They also come to me for: P.S. Can you imagine not having I needed something given to meExcitingOfferLookIknowto wait at a doctors office? Well, so that I could just stay at the sameHeadaches youre smart. You want to get toyour time is as valuable as mine.grade level as all my friends. Forthe cause of your problem, and notThats why we have a no-wait pol-me it was a pill. It changed every- Migraines just cover it up with drugs. Whenicy. Your will be seen within min-thing. But, theres more. Vertigo/Dizziness utes of your appointment.Neck Pain you are one of the first 20 people MygrandmotherconvincesmyShoulder/Arm Pain to call and schedule a new patientP.P.S.NUCCAmayormaynot mom to give this new doctor a try.Pinched Nervesexam (by Friday, July 15th, 2022)betheonlywayleftforyou This doctor does an exam, takesBack Pain/Sciatica youll receive that entire exam fortofindananswertowhatssome films, and then adjusts myNumbness in Limbs $76. Thats with digital x-rays, fullbeenailingyou.butformany, spine.TheadjustmentdoesntDigestive Problems spinalexam,laserpostureanal- thatsbeentheirexperience.Of hurt, it actually feels good. I get re- ysisthe whole ball of wax andcourse, all people respond differ-lief, and after the first adjustment,Just to name a few theresnohiddenfees.But,callently to care.THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS A RIGHT TO REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT, OR BE REIMBURSED FOR PAYMENT FOR ANY OTHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREAT-MENT THAT IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE, DISCOUNTED FEE, OR REDUCED FEE SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT.TO ADVERTISE CALL 954.384.9666 DRW MAGAZINE 3'