b'INJURED? SW RANCHESGood newsall over townPERSONAL INJURYOne half of 2022 has flown by. The first half was ACCIDENTSNURSING HOME ABUSE filled with a lot of good things happening in TRUST, ESTATE & REAL ESTATE our Town. Our Education Board flew in with Flocking that raised a good amountMEMBER OFof money, along with a number of other fundThe Florida Bar raisers. The Board will be able to give each qualified student a very nice check to use forThe Florida Southerntheir education. The Ed Board works tireless all District Bankruptcy Court year long to help our students. The U.S. District Court,Our town is getting a beautiful mural along the wall at Southern District of Florida Founders Park that depicts the unique lifestyle we enjoy in SWR, thanks to the Rural Arts Board and artist Laura Warren.NICOLAS LAMPARIELLO, ESQ. The Town had its first Farmers Market and from all the FREE CONSULTATION talk, it was a great success. A special thanks to the Mayor for his per-sistence in moving this forward.855-495-3733 A lot of the drainage work is finishing up and the neigh-LAWLLG.COMBROWARD COUNTY borhoods will be returned to their original state with driveways re-paired, sod being replaced, and streets repaved. There are still a good number of drainage projects to come. These projects, along with the What your yard is missing. finished projects, are being paid for with grant money that our Town Staff fought hard to get. Thanks to our Town Staff. The streets in our Town are starting to be repavedthanks to the special sales tax from Broward County. Some areas have been completed and the difference is amazing. Florida Power & Light is in town putting in new and improved hurricane resistant power lines that will help prevent those long outages we suffer after a major storm. This work will extend through CLEAN-UP2023 and into 2024.SPECIAL! A Safety and Traffic Committee was formed in January 10% OFF and last met in June. Thank You to the committee for their dedication and hard work on coming up with recommendations to help slow traf-ANY SERVICE fic and deter crime.OR CONTRACT WE PROUDLY OFFER AExp. 04.30.22. With ad.MILITARYANDFIRST The Town had a slight redistricting change due to the Cannot be combined. RESPONDER DISCOUNT 2020 census and no Council Member was affected by the change.SERVICES Minor IrrigationSouthwest Ranches has entered into a purchase agreement to Lawn Disease Care Repairs COMMERCIAL& RESIDENTIAL sell the CCA property. Thanks to our Town Attorney, Mr. Poliakoff, Weed Control Shrub Installation this agreement will benefit our Town for a long time to come.Edging Debris Hauling Aswegoforwardthroughthenexthalfof2022, Hedge Trimming Landscaping there will be more drainage work, more road work, more FPL work, Yard Clean-Up Pressure Cleaning theFarmersMarketwillreturnafterthehurricaneseason,the Sod Installation Projects CALL TODAY FOR Ed Board will have several fundraising events, and the Town Fair may Mulch Installation Tree Removal A FREE ESTIMATE return. All these things are good for the Town. So come join us and Rock Installation AND MOREtake part in all of the events that make Southwest Ranches that unique 754-422-0614TJCLANDSCAPESANDMORE.NET town we live in.tjclandscapesandmore TJC landscapes and more BY COUNCIL MEMBER JIM ALLBRITTON22 #399JULY 2022CELEBRATE SAFELY DRWMAG.COM'