b"COOPER CITY CORNERImprove the world bycaring for one anotherGreetingstotheDRWevery day in our society and often times, we turn a blind eye to it. We readers!Amomentofsee people who are struggling with all sorts of circumstances and we pauseforthevictimswhodont lift a finger to try to make their lives a little better. Folks, we werefatallyshotonMaydont love one another, we tolerate one another! Were allowing bad 24th,2022inUvalde,Texas.things to happen because if it doesnt affect us personally, we dont Ourdeepestcondolencesgooutcare about it. totheirfamiliesandtoallthosewhoIf these words make you uncomfortable, then the objective have been impacted by this horrific event. My heart is saddened byis being met. My intent is to invoke an emotion. Hopefully, your this evil event and by all those that have come before this one. Asemotions will move you to be concern with those around you and I take inventory of what has transpired in our nation and the en- not just those in your homes. When we begin to love and care for tire world, its pretty obvious of what is lacking. Its this little wordthose who may have no value to us, our world will change for the called, LOVE! better. These are strong words, but I am sickened by the hatred The definition of love is, a profoundly tender, passionatewe carry in our hearts for one another. Hatred continues to divide affection for another person. Love is lacking in our homes, ourour nation and as a result, violence has become the norm in our so-communities, our nation, and our world. We say that we love anoth- ciety. You dont believe me? Just turn on the news station. I promise er, but our actions are screaming something entirely different. Loveyou that you will hear of some violent act that has occurred in our should compel us to take actions that makes life better for thosecommunity. around us. Were only moved when something tragic happens, butI submit to you that we dont love one another because we any other time, its business as usual. People are victims of violencedont love ourselves first. We struggle with our own self-identities. Were working overtime to try to be like someone else instead of embracing who God has created us to be. Our focus should be on SHOPPING FOR CAR INSURANCE? CALL ME FIRST. being the best version of ourselves. Concentrating on enhancing our good habits and traits while eliminating the bad ones can assist in ANNUAL $ 35 manding change in others. A dear friend of mine reminded me of SAVINGS: $ 56 this during her childs recent high school graduation. She thanked a AVERAGE 3 * our servitude to others. We need to change first before we start de-6DRIVERS WHO SWITCHED FROM: number of individuals for their willingness in supporting her and her Geico saved $ 305* on average with Allstate child. She understood some of the shortcomings that were present in Progressivesaved $ 478* on average with Allstate her life, created a plan of action to address those shortcomings, and State Farmsaved $ 318* on average with Allstate allowed others to support her. Her focus was always on her childs success. Her child graduated with honors. Mission accomplished!Put your policy to the test. Our mission, should we accept it, is to love ourselves so that we can truly love others. Love and not hate will always make the Drivers who switched to Allstate saved an average of $356*difference. a year. So when you're shopping for car insurance, call me rst. You could be surprised by how much you'll save. There are some people in Cooper City that make a differ-ence in the lives of others every day, and that is our wonderful staff. Patrick Motta They are truly the unsung heroes in our community. They go about 954-370-1500 their daily tasks and assignments with one goal in mind: To provide 7320 Grifn Road, Ste. 100 the highest level of service to our residents and businesses, and for Davie, FL 33314patrick.motta@allstate.com that I applaud them. It is my prayer that you and your family have a wonderful summer and I encourage you to make a difference in the lives of others.God bless you and God bless our nation!*Savings based on national customer reported data for new policies written in 2016. Actual savings vary. 11991968Discounts subject to terms, conditions and availability. Allstate Fire & Casualty Ins. Co., Allstate Vehicle & Property Ins. Co., Allstate Property & Casualty Ins. Co. & afliates: 2775 Sanders Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062.BY COMMISSIONER JEFF GREEN 2018 Allstate Insurance Co.20 #399JULY 2022CELEBRATE SAFELY DRWMAG.COM"