b'AROUND WESTONStop The Bleed kits donated to Cypress Bay H.S. & moreSUMMERINSTAGRAMPHOTOCONTESTThe Artsclassroom and public space at Cypress Bay. MOSS will be working Council of Greater Westons Summer Instagram Photo Contest runswith the School District to begin installing the kits before classes through July 31st.This years theme is Pets and Creatures Out of theresume in the Fall. This is a great example of what just one person Box.Show pets and creatures, great and small, and surprise every- with passion can do.one with a different perspective. You can register at www.1weston.com. Post pictures on Instagram using the hashtag #ACGWSUM- BONAVENTUREWATERMAIN/SERVICELINERE-MER22 and tag @1westonfl. Art professionals will serve as judgesPLACEMENTTheCityofSunrises WaterServiceLineand and cash prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, as wellWater Main Replacement Project in Bonaventure is now underway as for most liked. and final completion is anticipated in May 2023. The water service line and water main replacement project will provide improvements to the community, replacing aged service lines and undersized wa-ter mains. In areas where the pipes are installed, the streets will be milled and resurfaced. Sodding, concrete sidewalk, driveways, and pavement marking restoration will be undertaken. There are two locations for construction:Area 1Between Saddle Club Road to Royal Poinciana Drive. Area 2between SW 169 Terrace and Oakwood Lane. Maintenance of traffic and safety measures will be in place at all times as required during the project duration.STOP THE BLEED KITS DONATED The nonprofit group Make Our Schools Safe (MOSS), announced a donation of 298 Stop the Bleed Kits to Cypress Bay High School at a Press Conference held in Weston City Hall on Monday, June 6th. This will supply Cy-press Bay with a kit for every classroom and common area. MOSS was founded by Lori Alhadeff after she lost her daughter, Alyssa, to the brutal shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. One of the goals of the group is to supply every school classroom through-out the country with a Stop the Bleed kit. After yet another tragicWESTON GOVERNMENT ACADEMY The Weston Gov-school shooting recently, this time in Uvalde, TX, we are remindedernment Academy is a civic engagement & education program fo-of the importance of immediate first aid in these emergencies, ascused on informing residents of Weston about the operations of their many victims die of blood loss, not of a bullet wound. These kitsmunicipalgovernmentanddevelopingcivicambassadorswithin include life-saving tools that can help in the critical moments beforeWeston neighborhoods. On the evening of June 2nd, the City hosted first responders can arrive on the scene. Melanie Brocato, BSO Lifethe fifth session of the inaugural Academy at the Citys Emergen-Safety Educator for the City of Weston, has trained over 2,690 peo- cy Operations Center. The evening included an overview of Tech-ple in Weston in Stop the Bleed training either virtually or in personnology Services by Director, Ryan Fernandes, and of Public Works since 2018. The City requires Bleeding Control Kits wherever AEDsoperations, with a special deep dive into Utilities by Director, Red-are required, such as restaurants, hotels, gyms, places of assembly, large commercial and retails spaces, etc. Mayor Brown reminded usdy Chitepu, PE, and Peter Johnson, PE. Both department directors that the City of Weston immediately took action after the ParklandexplainedtheCitysoverallEmergencyManagementoperations, tragedy and placed School Resource Deputies in every school, in- which was prefaced by Karl Thompson, PE, Assistant City Manager/cluding Charter Schools. Ashley Freedland founded a MOSS club atChief Operating Officer, during his welcome message at the start of her school and helped raise enough funds to purchase a kit for everythe evening.26 #399JULY 2022CELEBRATE SAFELY DRWMAG.COM'