b'OUT WESTON WAYCelebrating the 4th, CERT,and hurricane & school safetyFourth of JulyThe City ofwinds of 39-73 mph are possible in the next 48 hours. A Tropical Storm Warn-Weston has just celebrated ouring will be issued when sustained winds of 39-73 mph are expected in the next 25th Anniversary last year. We36 hours. A Hurricane Watch is issued when Hurricane conditions (sustained broughtbackfireworks,sothiswinds of 74 mph) are possible within 48 hours, and a Hurricane Warning occurs will be our second year of a fire- when Hurricane conditions are expected within the next 36 hours. This is an works display. The fireworks show willurgent message and indicates that a weather hazard is imminent.be on Sunday July 3rd, from 6 p.m. to 9The City of Weston staff are trained in the National Incident Man-p.m. Then on Monday, July 4th, we will have ouragement System (NIMS) for emergency operation activation. Should a storm annual 4th of July 5k race at 7:30 a.m. Immediately following that will be ourthreaten our area, the City would activate its Emergency Operations Center annual 4th of July Parade through Town Center starting at 10:30 am. Bring theand prepare for the possible impacts the storm would have due to high winds, whole family out for a holiday weekend of fun. excessive rain, or other dangerous conditions. Stay safe and stay connected to Would you like to become a member of Westons Commu- the City by subscribing to our various notification outlets.nity Emergency Response Team? Do you know how to take care of your- School SafetyAlthough school has recessed for the summer, in self and your family in the event of a disaster? Would you be able to help them orlight of all the tragic events that have sadly occurred in this country, I want your neighbors until help arrived? The Community Emergency Response Teamto update everyone on all the enhanced measures that we continue to utilize in training offered by the Broward Sheriffs Office Division of Fire Rescue, betterorder to keep our schools safe.known as CERT, will educate you about disaster preparedness for hazards thatI have been a Commissioner in Weston since 2017. When the Park-may impact your area. As a member of the program you will learn basic disasterland tragedy occurred in 2018, we immediately added additional full time Bro-response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization,ward Deputies School Resource Officers to all the schools to ensure that each and disaster medical operations. and every public school in Weston has at least one full time Deputy on campus CERT training givesduring school hours. Additionally, due to the number of students at CBHS, we youabetterun- added additional Deputies.derstandingoftheThen, with the School Board of Broward County, single points of potential threats toentry were added so that during school hours every visitor must enter the yourhome,work- school campus through a single point, and that entry point is also locked and place, and commu- has a security camera. When an individual wants to gain entry, they must be nity, as well as thebuzzed in.stepsyoucantakeAdditionally, after Parkland, the Marjorie Stoneman Douglass Safety tolessenthem.Ifreport also recommended at least one armed School Safety Officer be on each adisasterhappenscampus. The School Safety Officer program is funded entirely by the School thatoverwhelmsBoard, unlike the Broward School Resource Officers, for which the City of local response capability, CERT members can apply training learned in theWeston funds 66% of the costs. Therefore, we authorized and have also armed classroom and during exercises to give critical support until help arrives. WhenSchool Safety Officers at Cypress Bay High School due the extremely large help does arrive, CERT members provide useful information to responders andnumber of students.support their efforts, as directed, at the disaster site. CERT members also assistAnother measure that we utilize to provide enhanced security and with non-emergency projects that improve the safety of the community, suchto prevent any threats is by utilizing the Broward Sheriffs Threat Manage-as distributing or installing smoke alarms, replacing smoke alarm batteries inment Team. They investigate any social media posts that could be a risk or the homes of the elderly, distributing disaster education material, and providingimpact our school safety. They have been successful in many instances when it services at special events like parades, sporting events or concerts. has been determined that a post in social media could become a possible threatThere are over 2700 local CERT programs nationwide, with moreto our schools.than 175 active teams in the State of Florida. Each member of the Weston CERTLastly, if we determine that we need to add additional resources team has completed 24 hours of training in the areas of building construction,during a heightened level of a possible security situation, we have the capabil-fire suppression, first aid, terrorism response, disaster psychology, and disasterity to increase law enforcement presence above and beyond what is normally preparedness. CERT members meet at Fire Station No. 81 on a monthly basistasked to the school campuses.to keep up training and learn new skills. Rest assured that the safety and security of our students is our num-If you are interested in joining the Cert Team please contact the Bro- ber one priority in the #1 Best City to LiveWeston, FL.ward Sheriffs Office Fire Rescue at 954,389.2015.Hurricane PreparationsHurricane season is June 1st through November 30th. You should have a plan for your family, home, and business that you can implement should a storm threaten our area.Should that occur, the National Weather Service will issue a watchBY BYRON JAFFEor warning for our area. A Tropical Storm Watch will be issued when sustainedCOMMISSIONER, SEAT 324 #399JULY 2022CELEBRATE SAFELY DRWMAG.COM'